5 Top Tips For Creating The Perfect Social Media Banner

5 Top Tips For Creating The Perfect Social Media Banner

It takes the average visitor to your page approximately 7 seconds to decide whether they are interested in you or not. The banner at the top of your page is the first thing they see when they are visiting so it’s very important to get it right and make a great first impression. Make the most of your banner by following these 5 top tips and getting your visitors wanting to find out more!

Make sure it’s the right size for the right platform

For Facebook the recommended size is 851 * 315. The minimum size is 339* 150 pixels.
For Google+ the banner size ideally should be 1080 * 608
For Twitter the recommended size is 1500 * 500 pixels
For LinkedIn its 1400 * 425

2. Change your banner often to maintain interest

Your banner can take up to a quarter of your screen on most desktop browsers, It is the first thing people see of your page – make it work for you. Use this large space to promote your business or a current promotion. By changing it often people are most likely to notice it. It generates interest and allows you to have some free advertising!

3. Be mindful of where you profile pic will cover your banner.

It will look messy and may hide your message in your banner if the two are not aligned properly.

4. Right aligning your banner will make your page seem more balanced.

This is especially true on a mobile where more of the left hand side of the banner will be blocked.

5.  Include a call to action on your banner.

It’s a great way to promote a webinar, book, website, downloads as soon as someone comes to your page.